Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thoughts on Google +

I am facilitating a training workshop this evening on Social Media Marketing, covering the basics and a bit beyond depending on the range of online marketing experience in the group.  So as I put the finishing touches to the presentation, which generally means cutting back my expectations of the amount of information I can realistically share in 2 hours, I am pondering on whether to even include Google +.  I suppose it would be wrong not to as it is now 'out there' like it or not.  In my case, right now .... not.  Obviously this will be subject to change as the market responds.

My issue is that the fine line between bartering my identity in exchange for some great free gizmos has been crossed when it comes to Google +.   I am generally a fan of Google products, but with Google + they aren't even pretending to know only a reasonable amount about you, your friends, family, business, preferences, habits.... It is no secret that your information is being pillaged, on the contrary we are being persuaded to get over it.  Probably I will in time. Just now I am imaging a future when one day when I can't decide what to wear, up will pop my Google + app telling me that it has selected my underwear ready for me to get dressed. How is that for a nightmare scenario?

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